Grouping Data#

In addition to merging multiple DataFrames, we can perform operations within a single DataFrame.

The groupby function allows us to split the DataFrame into groups. We can extract the grouped data directly into a new DataFrame or apply a specified function before combining the results into a DataFrame. The most important input to this function is what we are grouping by, usually a column name. The general format of the groupby operation is given by:


where ‘group_name’ specifies the column name of which to group by unique entries in the column.

We’ll redefine the merged right menu to use in our investigation with grouping below.

nutritional_info = pd.DataFrame({
    'Item': ['Big Mac', 'Medium French Fries', 'Cheeseburger', 'McChicken', 'Hot Fudge Sundae', 'Sausage Burrito', 'Baked Apple Pie'],
    'Calories': [530, 340, 290, 360, 330, 300, 250],
    'Protein': [24, 4, 15, 14, 8, 12, 2],

menu = pd.DataFrame({
    'Item': ['Big Mac', 'Cheeseburger', 'McChicken', 'Hot Fudge Sundae', 'Egg McMuffin', 'Medium French Fries', 'Sausage Burrito'],
    'Price': [5.47, 1.81, 2.01, 2.68, 4.43, 2.77, 2.10],
    'Category': ['Lunch/Dinner', 'Lunch/Dinner', 'Lunch/Dinner', 'Dessert', 'Breakfast', 'Lunch/Dinner', 'Breakfast'],
full_menu = pd.merge(nutritional_info, menu, how='right')

Item Calories Protein Price Category
0 Big Mac 530.0 24.0 5.47 Lunch/Dinner
1 Cheeseburger 290.0 15.0 1.81 Lunch/Dinner
2 McChicken 360.0 14.0 2.01 Lunch/Dinner
3 Hot Fudge Sundae 330.0 8.0 2.68 Dessert
4 Egg McMuffin NaN NaN 4.43 Breakfast
5 Medium French Fries 340.0 4.0 2.77 Lunch/Dinner
6 Sausage Burrito 300.0 12.0 2.10 Breakfast

We can use full_menu above and group the items by “Category”. The groupby function by itself splits the data. If we want to form a new DataFrame or add a computation, this must be specified.

Here we create a new DataFrame using the get_group method. This creates a new DataFrame with entries from the specified group; in this case only items from the category “Breakfast” are included in the DataFrame.

category_groups = full_menu.groupby('Category') 

Item Calories Protein Price Category
4 Egg McMuffin NaN NaN 4.43 Breakfast
6 Sausage Burrito 300.0 12.0 2.10 Breakfast

Applying Functions within Groupby#

In addition to viewing or sorting the data, the groupby operation is useful in applying functions to groups of a DataFrame.

Perhaps we want to know the average price, grouped by the category of each item. We use the line below, which first groups the data by “Category” and then takes the mean across the “Price” column within each group.

(The double brackets around 'Price' are needed to ensure we get a DataFrame as output. See: DataFrames: Selection by label.)

Breakfast 3.265
Dessert 2.680
Lunch/Dinner 3.015

The groupby operation allows us to split the DataFrame into groups, apply a specified function, and combine the results into a DataFrame. The behind the scenes process of this code is outlined below.


There are many different functions we can apply to our groups. Common functions include: count, min, max, sum, mean, std, var. (For more information, consult the pandas documentation of groupby.)

We demonstrate a few of these functions below.

For example, it might be useful to count how many items on the full_menu fall into each “Category”: “Breakfast”, “Lunch/Dinner”, and “Dessert”. We can do so by first grouping the DataFrame by “Category” and then counting how many “Items” are in each group.

Breakfast 2
Dessert 1
Lunch/Dinner 4

Or, perhaps we want to sum the menu prices by “Category”. We first group by “Category” and then add up all prices within each group:

Breakfast 6.53
Dessert 2.68
Lunch/Dinner 12.06

Grouping on a Larger Dataset#

To see the full potential of grouping, we’ll consider a larger DataFrame. We consider the Data Science Jobs and Salaries dataset which contains information on:

  • Data Science job titles

  • experience level: Entry-level (EN), Mid-level (MI), Senior-level (SE), Executive-level (EX)

  • remote vs full time ratio

  • 2020 salary or 2021 expected salary (2021e)

  • employment type: PT (part time), FT (full time), CT (contract), FL (Freelance)

(For a more complete view of the data, note that they were taken from Saurabh Shahane at Kaggle, which gathered information from

salary_data = pd.read_csv("../../data/Data_Science_Jobs_Salaries.csv")
work_year experience_level employment_type job_title salary salary_currency salary_in_usd employee_residence remote_ratio company_location company_size
0 2021e EN FT Data Science Consultant 54000 EUR 64369 DE 50 DE L
1 2020 SE FT Data Scientist 60000 EUR 68428 GR 100 US L
2 2021e EX FT Head of Data Science 85000 USD 85000 RU 0 RU M
3 2021e EX FT Head of Data 230000 USD 230000 RU 50 RU L
4 2021e EN FT Machine Learning Engineer 125000 USD 125000 US 100 US S

This is only the first few and the last few rows; this DataFrame contains a lot of information! We can extract or sort the information we want by grouping the data in a convenient way. The groupby method in pandas will help us do exactly that!

For example, we can group the salary_data by the experience level of the employees. Recall we may do this by first splitting the data into experience_level groups and then extracting the group of employees with experience_level equal to EN, or entry-level experience. The resulting DataFrame contains only entries from the specified group: entry-level experience employees.

experience_level_groups = salary_data.groupby('experience_level')

work_year experience_level employment_type job_title salary salary_currency salary_in_usd employee_residence remote_ratio company_location company_size
0 2021e EN FT Data Science Consultant 54000 EUR 64369 DE 50 DE L
4 2021e EN FT Machine Learning Engineer 125000 USD 125000 US 100 US S
11 2021e EN FT Data Scientist 13400 USD 13400 UA 100 UA L
17 2021e EN FT Data Analyst 90000 USD 90000 US 100 US S
18 2021e EN FT Data Analyst 60000 USD 60000 US 100 US S

We can group by more than one category as well. Below we group first by employment_type and within each employment_type group we group by experience_level. The first method then return the first row, if it exists, of each group.

two_groups = salary_data.groupby(['employment_type','experience_level']) 

work_year job_title salary salary_currency salary_in_usd employee_residence remote_ratio company_location company_size
employment_type experience_level
CT EN 2020 Business Data Analyst 100000 USD 100000 US 100 US L
EX 2021e Principal Data Scientist 416000 USD 416000 US 100 US S
MI 2021e ML Engineer 270000 USD 270000 US 100 US L
SE 2021e Staff Data Scientist 105000 USD 105000 US 100 US M
FL MI 2021e Data Engineer 20000 USD 20000 IT 0 US L
SE 2020 Computer Vision Engineer 60000 USD 60000 RU 100 US S
FT EN 2021e Data Science Consultant 54000 EUR 64369 DE 50 DE L
EX 2021e Head of Data Science 85000 USD 85000 RU 0 RU M
MI 2020 Research Scientist 450000 USD 450000 US 0 US M
SE 2020 Data Scientist 60000 EUR 68428 GR 100 US L
PT EN 2021e AI Scientist 12000 USD 12000 PK 100 US M
MI 2021e 3D Computer Vision Researcher 400000 INR 5423 IN 50 IN M

Having grouped the data into single or multiple categories, we’ll now apply functions to these categories!

Perhaps we want to know the average salary grouped by experience level. We use the line below, which groups the data by experience_level and takes the mean across the salary_in_usd column within each group.

EN     59753.462963
EX    226288.000000
MI     85738.135922
SE    128841.298701
Name: salary_in_usd, dtype: float64

We can also count how many people work (or get salaries) at each size company: small, medium, large.

First we group different company sizes and count all employees who receive a salary.

(Recall that the double brackets on 'salary' ensure our result is a DataFrame and not a series. The output above, for average salary by experience level, was a simple series – see if you can write this as a DataFrame!)

L 132
M 55
S 58

Additionally, the groupby method can be used to split the data into multiple groups, apply a function, and then reform it into a DataFrame.

Similar to the above example, we first group by multiple columns, subdividing into experience_level and then further by company_size:

experience_and_compsize = salary_data.groupby(['experience_level', 'company_size'])

work_year employment_type job_title salary salary_currency salary_in_usd employee_residence remote_ratio company_location
experience_level company_size
EN L 2021e FT Data Science Consultant 54000 EUR 64369 DE 50 DE
M 2021e PT AI Scientist 12000 USD 12000 PK 100 US
S 2021e FT Machine Learning Engineer 125000 USD 125000 US 100 US
EX L 2021e FT Head of Data 230000 USD 230000 RU 50 RU
M 2021e FT Head of Data Science 85000 USD 85000 RU 0 RU
S 2021e FT Data Science Consultant 59000 EUR 70329 FR 100 ES
MI L 2020 FT Data Analyst 41000 EUR 46759 FR 50 FR
M 2020 FT Research Scientist 450000 USD 450000 US 0 US
S 2021e FT Machine Learning Engineer 40000 EUR 47681 ES 100 ES
SE L 2020 FT Data Scientist 60000 EUR 68428 GR 100 US
M 2021e FT Data Analytics Manager 120000 USD 120000 US 100 US
S 2021e FT Data Analyst 80000 USD 80000 BG 100 US

If we want to compute the average salary within each experience level and dependent on company size we can use our multi-grouped DataFrame and aggregate the average salary:

experience_level  company_size
EN                L                75148.000000
                  M                41063.923077
                  S                57502.000000
EX                L               239729.875000
                  M                85000.000000
                  S               243164.500000
MI                L                96285.451613
                  M                83982.800000
                  S                47610.000000
SE                L               134465.604651
                  M               122572.125000
                  S               120978.055556
Name: salary_in_usd, dtype: float64

From this we can see that the average salary for an entry level employee at a large company is $75,148.

To turn this Series into a DataFrame, we use the unstack method, which pivots the inner-most group, company_size, and rearranges as columns.

company_size L M S
EN 75148.000000 41063.923077 57502.000000
EX 239729.875000 85000.000000 243164.500000
MI 96285.451613 83982.800000 47610.000000
SE 134465.604651 122572.125000 120978.055556

This idea of splitting a DataFrame into multiple groups and computing multi-dimensional aggregations of values is such an important feature that it has its own function in pandas! It is called a pivot_table. In the next section, we introduce how to manipulate DataFrames using the pivot_table method.